Yesterday’s Skinny Vinny Today’s Vince DelMonte
Ask the skinny new guy at your gym who his favorite bodybuilder is and you are likely to hear him say Vince Delmonte. Delmonte, now one of North America’s best known trainers, was a runner and triathlete in his Guelph, Ontario high school so lean his nickname was Skinny Vinny.
Vince was competitive at his sports, attaining the place of captain one year, yet they did not give him the body he wanted. It was during his college years at the University of Western Ontario that Vince began to figure out how to leave his 150 pound frame behind and get bigger.
DelMonte Discovers How to Get Bigger
At the beginning of 2002, Vince, tired of being out of shape, turned over a new leaf by undertaking his first body transformation. He made great strides in size and strength. By his senior year, he had gained the knowledge and the confidence that allowed him to become a personal trainer. Yet the perfect body he wanted, the one that would draw customers to his training services, still eluded him.
He graduated from college with a degree in kinesiology, and soon after became a full-time trainer. He continued to face challenges to an ideal form, including a period of skinny-fatness. In the end, however, Vince developed an approach that got him where he wanted to be.
Since then, DelMonte has positioned himself as a trainer outside of the traditional structure of the bodybuilding world. He challenges some of its received truths, such as the value of circuit training. Most significantly, he focuses on one particular segment of the population: Skinny guys. Famous for being a cut guy once skinny himself, Delmonte’s experience and advice are especially dear to the hearts of his skinny brethren.
Delmonte’s Workout in a Nutshell
Vince DelMonte has presented aspects of his training program in a number of books, such as No Nonsense Muscle Buildingand Your Six Pack Quest. His training plan appeals widely in part because of its simplicity. DelMonte advises against the use of all drugs and artificial supplements. He suggests that even natural supplements be used with caution and in moderation. For Vince’s plan, the key is always going at the exercises hard and eating properly.
DelMonte trains three days a week, increasing the difficulty week by week. The exercises themselves are traditional and straightforward. It is the ramping up of intensity that makes the difference. This fatigues the muscles and causes them to increase the size of their cells. The muscles themselves then become larger. The imposition of ever greater demands promotes increased growth called muscle hypertrophism, a concept central to DelMonte’s workout. Rest is essential for maximum growth. Besides taking off four days a week, DelMonte takes a full week off every three months.
The nutritional part of DelMonte’s plan is also refreshingly simple for the skinny guy. It involves eating much and eating often. Only with an excess of calories will a thin frame bulk up. While heavy on proteins, carbs play an important part in his diet guidelines as well. He suggests that water consumption be around a gallon a day. Drinking this quantity is a habit hard to develop but one, he notes, that comes easier with time.
DelMonte’s vision of bodybuilding has seized the popular imagination because it seems to cut straight through the cruft of quasi-scientific half-truths that have accumulated around the sport over the years. He tells skinny guys exactly how to work to get results, and his body is living proof of the value of his own advice.
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This guest post has been provided on the behalf of Australia’s leading Vincent Del Monte website, so pop In, if you’d like to know more.