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Skinny Men Fitness Workouts: How to get Buff within few months

If you feel that your body is too much skinny which made you quite unattractive and less confident than don’t worry, you are not alone. There are many guys around the world who are passing such a clenching life.

Let me assure you that you can get a very strong, attractive and fit body within three to four months by following the right workout plan and by taking required workout diet. This particular post will focus on the effective workout plan for skinny men. However I will come up with diet workout for skinny men in my upcoming posts.

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Before going to the basic workouts for the skinny men, I want to make you clear that if you really want to get stronger and attractive body then you have to give two things to your workouts i.e 1. Commitment & 2. Consistency:

Remember that if like many other skinny men you missed the basic trick then your long duration exercises and your heavy diet will not get you out of underdogs. You will witness yourself that all of your efforts & money spend to get your body stronger are going into the dustbin.

So it is very important that before starting any program you should read and understand the following points.

1. Warm-up

Most men ignore the importance of warm-ups; and swap 5 to 10 minutes warm-ups with the additional workouts. This is the key point where they go wrong. For skinny men who are not used to lifting heavy weights during routine life the warm-ups are more important.

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Five to ten minutes Warm-up provides flexibility to your inactive muscles by increasing blood movement to the tissues. Moreover through warm-ups oxygen circulates through the muscles.

Beside this, through warm-up you become mentally prepare and coordination during exercise is maintained so that your muscle will be fully stressed during the exercise and chances of frequent jerks and injuries will be minimized.

2. Start with Specific Muscle Exercises

The main purpose of your workout is to achieve mass muscle. To do this you have to concentrate on exercises that build specific muscles. Especially for skinny persons experts suggest that they should develop workouts schedule and should assign each muscle exercise or group of muscle exercises to each day.

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Like you can go with chest and shoulder exercise on day one, legs exercise on day two and Back, Arms & Abs exercise on the 3rd day of the week with the gap in-between.

3. Focus on the Growth of Leg muscles

You might be thinking what makes legs muscle too special to give extra attention to its growth. You might know that leg muscle contains some of the largest muscle in your body.

So if you concentrate on the powerful leg muscle, so it will help you to further strengthen other muscles of your body. The better way to strengthen you leg muscles is to do squats & dead lifts.

4. Avoid Little Mistakes

Biggest mistakes which most people do during their workouts are:

A. Lifting very high weights.

B. Doing very short duration workouts.

C. Long breaks between the exercise.

D. Doing workouts six or seven days a week.

As skinny men you must know that you want to build strong muscle instead of doing preparation for the Olympics heavyweights lifting. So Don’t get foolish by lifting very high weights they will never benefit you.

Similarly if you are in hurry during workouts then my advice is to leave these efforts completely because as skinny men doing 20 to 30 minute exercise will never benefit you. Minimum duration for daily workout must be between 50 minutes to 60 minutes.

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If you are someone who is taking 5 minute break after each exercise so you are just playing with yourself. If you are just passing time in the fitness club then it is okay. However if you really want to look stronger and fit; then try to reduce the duration between each exercise.

Similarly in order to provide reaction period to your muscle to take growth you should do 4 to 5 days exercise in the week; with possible one day gap.

5. Prefer more physical activities in your daily routine

Greater physical activities are not only helpful for couch potato to lose their excessive weights, but it is also helpful for skinny people who have started effortful regular workouts. This will increase blood and oxygen movement in your body and thus helping you to build your muscles.

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So from now onwards with your regular workouts at the fitness club and improved diet; start to go your office or market by walk. Start preferring stairs over the lift, and prefer cycling over bus. These small things will be very beneficial to you from switching your body from being skinny to buff and attractive.


Following Posts can also be very Helpful

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The Vince DelMonte Method

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Sculpt Your Legs With 15 Minute Work-Outs

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